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Will we be eating algae in the 21st century? Millions of health conscious people around the world already are. Called a food of the future only 20 years ago, spirulina blue-green algae is shaping food patterns as we approach the next century. Since 1989, Earth Food Spirulina has been called the definitive popular reference book about spirulina. This 4th edition has been updated by the author, Robert Henrikson. He has pioneered algae as a world resource for 20 years, and was the President of the leading algae company and a director of the world's largest spirulina farm. This easy-to-read book has over 160 charts, tables and photos. It takes the reader on a step-by-step adventure:
Order Earth Food Spirulina today International Language Editions: Spanish (94) | Chinese (95) | Slovenian (96) | Macedonian (97) | Italian (98). English Edition 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" 188 page soft cover. (ISBN 0-9623111-0-3) Ronore Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 909, Hana HI 96713 USA. tel: (808) 248-8610 | email: | cell: (808) 264-8184 |
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