Centralia Chronicle • January 23, 2010
Having a Wild Thyme with Sustainable Farming
Oakville farm a mecca for agroforestry
by Dian McClurg
Agroforestry is the science of creating forestry plantations that function much like an agricultural system, where you plant a variety of woody plants that can provide you with an annual and semi-annual product.
Yes! Magazine • January 7, 2010
Big News for Small Forests
by Ian Hanna
Sustainable, small scale working forests are feeling the economic pinch. But nonprofit groups are helping family and community owned woodlands thrive by connecting them with carbon markets.
Northwest Natural Resource Group • August 2009
Wild Thyme Farm
by Jennifer Whitelaw
John Henrikson’s land speaks to him, and he thinks more people should listen. “We need more people to develop that relationship – to fall in love with the land.”
Evergreen Magazine • Spring 2009
The Entrepreneurial Forester
How Two Evergreen Alumni are Reshaping Northwest Forestry
Ian Hanna and Kirk Hanson want you to cut down your trees.
Sustainable Industries • April 2009
Green Building
Forests Yield New Carbon Credits
John Henrikson, a co-owner of Wild Thyme Farm, earns money by not harvesting his forest...The program establishes incentive for private forest owners to maintain healthy forest by creating a market for carbon credits.
SkagitValleyHerald.com • November 9, 2004
Gang Green
A group of Western Washington landowners are teaming up to seek certification through the Forest Stewardship Council and tap into the market for eco-friendly wood...
SeattlePI.com • November 7, 2004
Some foresters want 'green' certification
OAKVILLE, Washington (AP) -- There are tall, thick alders and gargantuan maples on John Henrikson's land that could line his pockets handsomely if he cut them for timber, but...
CNN.com • Science & Space • November 9, 2004
Green certification in demand for forests
Washington forest owners ban together to sell eco-friendly wood. OAKVILLE, Washington (AP) -- There are tall, thick alders and gargantuan maples on John Henrikson's land...
Centralia Chronicle • April 18, 1998
Wild Thyme Farm is having a wild time with bamboo
Growers prepare for bamboo market. Kirk Hansen waters one of the ornamental varieties of bamboo plants on Wild Thyme Farm in Oakville...